Enchanting Home
8 Financial Benefits of Decluttering
Are you struggling financially? Are your spaces cluttered? The two could be related, both on a practical & energetic level (according to feng shui). I highlight 8 ways that decluttering your stuff could improve your finances.
I Have Insomnia. Can Feng Shui Help Me Sleep Better?
Are you suffering from insomnia? The feng shui of your bedroom might have something to do with it. I’ll go over six things to look at, regarding your placement, decor, etc., so you can make sure that your space is restful.
Is it Okay to Have Your Office in Your Bedroom, According to Feng Shui?
When you have an office in your bedroom, you’re creating two opposing energies, in the same space. According to feng shui, that can cause issues with sleep, productivity & more.
Book Review: The Home Edit
Home Edit Netflix stars Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer have been rocking the organizing world with their fun projects & quirky personalities. Is their book as good as their show? I will give you my take on it, as an organizer.
Watercolor Christmas Cards: Dogs and Cats
I decided to make watercolor Christmas cards, this year, using stock images of dogs and cats. I’ll show you some behind-the-scenes footage.
Amaryllis: The Winter Blooming Beauty
Amaryllis’ flower in the winter and this bright red variety will add a pop of color to my office. Will it bloom in time for Christmas, if I plant it in late November? It’s worth a try!
Inspired Mind
Easy & Healthy Ways to Relieve Stress
Some stress can make us stronger, but chronic stress can really play havoc with our bodies and minds. There are plenty of unhealthy ways to relieve stress (i.e. binge eating, smoking, or drinking about it). But, in this post, I share 15 easy and healthy ways to do it.
Declutter Your Smart Phone, Declutter Your Brain
Are smart phone notifications making you overwhelmed and sending your system into high alert? I’m going to share some easy ways to declutter your smart phone, so you can find relief from excessive news, notifications, and other unwanted communications.
Happy Body
Ginger Berry Smoothie Bowl
Smoothies are a fantastic way to get a ton of nutrients into a single dish that tastes amazing! I came up with this ginger berry smoothie bowl, recently, and if you love strong flavors, you might really enjoy this plant-based smoothie bowl.